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Post-epidemic era: human resource development trends and strategies

发布日期:2020-05-06 作者:Grace 浏览:15
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Post-epidemic era: human resource development trends and strategies

Since march, as the domestic fight against the epidemic has come to an end, the outbreak of the epidemic abroad has been 

in full force, and the political conflicts between China and European and American countries have continued, the economy has 

suffered a huge blow, and consumption has been shrinking.

Production halted, international crude oil prices fell to freezing point. Against this backdrop, companies have embarked on a difficult return to work, 

heading into April with a number of companies conducting quarterly stocktaking

When summing up, we found that the first quarter revenue is thin, many companies even a few months consecutive 0 earnings.

In the rapidly changing post-epidemic era, the market is becoming more and more uncertain, and black swan events are frequent, 

which bring great pressure and challenges to the resumption of production and operation management of enterprises.

And the human resource management in the drastic change, becomes the first to face the challenge of the core key link.


How to stay focused in a crisis, observe market trends, decode hr dilemmas and actively respond?

This paper will focus on four development trends of human resources in the post-epidemic era, and discuss countermeasures against the following four development trends.

1. Hr roles quickly realize strong business links, and hr departments that cannot realize business links are quickly marginalized.

2. The talent market reverses and transforms from the demand-side market to the supply-side market.

3. The 28 layers of the talent market, which cannot be realized in the boom, will be realized rapidly in the depression.

4. The training mode realizes structural transformation overnight, moving from offline to online and presenting a normal digital trend

1. Human resource roles can quickly realize strong business links.

Hr departments that could not link to the business were quickly marginalised.

As the global economy slides towards the freezing point, the recovery will emerge from a slow climbing curve of recovery from major illnesses. 

With the gradual deepening of the resumption of production and work,Results that were not delivered in the january-april period will be accelerated

 in the second half of the year, and most companies will eliminate all unnecessary activities and cut back in order to meet the target of recoveryEliminate 

all unnecessary expenses, and devote resources and energy to the battle for the survival of the enterprise. 

R&d, production and sales, which are on the front line, will become the focus and focus.

As a result, all human resource activities will be more closely organized around performance objectives, 

and the realization and performance objectives of the strong link,

Projects that are not closely related to performance goals will all give way to the achievement of performance goals.

The recruitment, selection, training and performance appraisal of talents in the hr sector will be carried out around the performance target. 

Recruitment work must be completed from the recruitment task transformation to solve the problem,

 help business department need to quickly build business manager perspective, insight into the needs 

of the business like a business manager, understand the business model, familiar with the business personnel competency dimensions,

 only then, can be the strong backing of business department, in difficult times continuous delivery of high quality talents for the business department.

The training module, on the other hand, should quickly target the business objectives, get rid of the previous training 

mode that emphasizes knowledge and tools, strengthen the training output, set measurable training results, 

and conduct training course matching and planning with the goal of achieving performance.

2020 outbreak of the new champions league node as an important transformation, transformation of human 

resources is the functional departments before and after the transformation of human resources requires 

a great step to the business, assist the business unit in the analysis of the research, development, production

 and sales data, find performance to achieve the key issues in point, from the professional point of view of human resources, 

help business department to solve the problem, to achieve the performance goals. The success of the transformation of human

 resources is related to the positioning of human resources in an enterprise. The human resources department that fails to

 successfully transform will find its value shrinking continuously and become more and more like a mechanical executive department. 

It is difficult to get the recognition of the business department, or even be marginalized gradually.

Ii. Reversal of the talent market

From the demander market to the supplier market

With the outbreak of the new epidemic becoming more and more severe, the global economy is in deep crisis.

 The precipitous decline of the economy will bring a wave of bankruptcies of small and medium-sized enterprises, 

which will lead to a wave of unemployment.

Many expats who had been hoping for a mid-year pay and career increase suddenly found themselves in a job

 market that was no longer attractive, holding on to their resumes for two or three months. 

They found that there were many positions available in March, and by April, 

only sales and high-end research and development positions were available.

Moreover, the further we go, the fewer jobs there will be. Thanks to the digital transformation, 

the human resources of low-end positions will gradually become a chicken rib and become a huge unemployment base. 

And the talents with high price and low quality will find that the high-salary people's design,

 which is constructed by frequent job-hopping, is no longer sustainable in the context of rapidly shrinking consumption.

Gone are the days when high-paying jobs more accurately matched the ability to match the population, and the high-paying jobs built on the back of fast-growing dwarfs.

Salary cuts will be one of the key words in human resources in 2020, and the talent market will turn from a demand-side market 

with tight demand to a supply-side market in 2019 in July. Waiting for the expectation of market recovery and consumption rebound,

 the employment optimism coefficient will experience a stable period of stalemate, then slowly decline, 

until the employment difficulty becomes the new normal, and the human resources supply market will maintain the new normal of the supply market for a long time.

In the face of a large number of job seekers, the focus of enterprise recruitment will change greatly.

 If the difficulty of human resources recruitment from 2015 to 2019 is to attract a sufficient number of applicants, 

then in 2020, the difficulty of recruitment lies in how to conduct accurate screening and efficient screening among a large number of job seekers.

If the goal of hr recruitment by 2020 is to find people and fill vacancies; Then, in 2020, the recruitment goal is: 

how to use the epidemic crisis to optimize the talent structure, human resources upgrade and high-end talent reserve. 

As the market continues to release a large number of talents, the recruitment standards of human resources will also rise. 

The former focus on hard skills, now under the same budget, enterprises will pay more attention to high-potential talents with both soft and hard skills.


Three, in the boom period can not be realized in the talent market 28 stratification,

It will come very quickly during the recession.

In the boom period of rapid economic development, small and medium-sized companies spring up

 like bamboo shoots after a spring after a spring, a large number of business opportunities, 

every company needs to employ people, resulting in a shortage of human resources, the talent market. 

Many companies in no one available, or cannot find a nice talent, will reduce the standard of choose and employ persons, 

equivalent to choose barely available talent, and a hat-trick of human resources cost, 

because a lot of short-term business opportunities by stirring talents, ability and no substantive fundamental to ascend, 

but in the process of moving to do up their own compensation.

Combined with the national policy to encourage entrepreneurship, time value of various mining, various APP, 

all kinds of business, the market is like a cup of water and sediment flood full of hustle and bustle capable, 

not ability, can fool, all kinds of true talent market linked to that of the water is stirred up very cloudy, 

because development too fast, enterprise talent inventory, have no time to calm down and do not see what i

s high potential talents, which is about, lead to the company full of entropy of so-called talent.

The new epidemic brought a period of quiet time, but let the muddy water has a quiet time, 

when the sediment is gradually bottomless, those who are still strong in the invincible position of talent, 

is 20 percent of the 28 stratification of the real talent。

It is only in the unsustainably long period after an outbreak that companies have time to 

seriously identify those who are making money and those who are lying,

Finally, those who can truly bring benefits to the enterprise will be left with high salaries.

 The talent market will return to the intrinsic value of talents through the action of external forces.

To realize the 28 levels of talents.

After the outbreak, the new order and pattern will replace the old order and pattern. 

After the bubble is removed, those who have core competence will return to their original value.

The value in the talent market will be higher and higher; And candidates who make their own value by 

hopping from one job to another or moving in and out of startups, will be in the midst of an outbreak

Last winter, return to their original value, had to face that is not very satisfactory salary.

Therefore, the core competitiveness is very important, when the enterprise recruits the candidate, 

should pay attention to whether the candidate has the core competitiveness, or can help it to build the core competitiveness.

As a candidate, using every minute to build their core competitiveness, in order to achieve a breakthrough and takeoff in the dark.

Iv. The training mode realizes structural transformation overnight.

From offline to online, and a normal digital trend.

The sudden arrival of the new epidemic, the vigorous offline management training suddenly stopped fire,

overnight lost the bustling bustling. At the same time,

However, the online live broadcast is in full swing, and a lot of management training has been transferred online. 

Although tired of online courses can not effectively solve the staff ability to lift The problem of rising, however, 

can effectively calm the anxiety of employees who have been isolated for several months and cannot return to work effectively.

The influx of online live streaming has not brought huge profits to the training institutions.

 On the contrary,behind the excitement is the meager income corresponding to a large amount

 of investment.The highlight moment for offline trainers may end in the spring of 2020.

Although most training companies are merely chaperones in this technological digital transformation, they cannot change the objective fact that the training industry

The digital age has arrived, and the trend is inevitable. For a long time to come, online and offline integration will become the norm and low-end repeatable

A lot of courses will move online, while high-end behavior shaping courses will become the new favorite for offline training.

That is:

Online: transfer knowledge

Offline: concept change, behavior remodeling, team building, consulting training (productive).

The training industry has successfully realized the digital structure transformation in the spring 

of 2020 when the epidemic is rampant. The future is here, whether we want it to be or not,

Whether we are willing to change or not, we will all have to accept the result of the change: 

that the training industry will eventually realize the normal digital trend.

With the successful construction of online digital two-dimensional society, offline training will become more and more expensive.

All become relatively high time cost behavior, if there is no corresponding output, will become expensive and impractical chicken rib.

Therefore, in the future, offline training will put forward higher requirements for trainers, 

and the era when a course dominates the world will become the past, while offline training will be more

To integrate with the enterprise business in many places, we should play the role of consensus building and

 team building at the same time. Trainers no longer simply transfer knowledge, but also

Become a leader of virtual team building, a problem solver who guides and solves problems, 

and a problem solver who can diagnose problems and give solutions

Solution, promote the enterprise to achieve performance improvement, and can produce immediate results 

of the management consultant. Therefore, the training of changing employee behavior pattern

Training camp, coaching, micro-consulting, seminars and practical problem solving that can boost performance 

will become the first choice of offline training in the digital era
